
Alyson began working in the fitness industry shortly after obtaining her BA in Exercise Science from North Park University (Chicago, IL) in 2010. With her degree in Exercise Science, she has worked in a variety of settings (commercial gyms, private studios, & in home) training clients of all physical backgrounds; some of which were working on rehabilitating past injuries, and others had preexisting medical conditions that she was able to work around and create appropriate programs for. She has worked with clients individually, in pairs, and has taught group exercise classes as well.

Alyson has actively participated in Crossfit workouts since 2012, and currently holds a Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certification. Additionally, she has a Silver Sneakers Certification, and current First Aid & CPR/AED Certifications.

Qualifications and Specializations

BA in Exercise Science

Crossfit Level 1 Trainer Certification

Silver Sneakers Certification

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